Intrauterine Repair at 25 Weeks For Myelomeningocele. Case Report With Video

Author Details

Matheus Leão Carvalho Costa, MD, Luiz Eduardo Imbelloni, MD, PhD, Antonio Fernando Carneiro, MD, MSc, PhD, Marciano de Souza Nóbrega, MD, MSc

Journal Details


Published: 3 March 2025 | Article Type : Case Report


Background: Neural tube closure defects, such as myelomeningocele, represent serious congenital malformations that can result in significant neurological sequelae. Intrauterine surgical correction has emerged as a promising strategy to improve fetal prognosis by treating the defect before birth.

Case Report: This study reports a healthy 35-year-old patient with gestational age (GA) of 25 weeks plus 4 days, with no history of anesthetics, physical status ASA 1 who underwent surgery for intrauterine correction of myelomeningocele under balanced general anesthesia associated with continuous epidural anesthesia. Preoperatively, omeprazole 40 mg, metoclopramide 10 mg, cimetidine 100 mg and, as pre-anesthetic medication, midazolam 3 mg were administered. The epidural puncture was performed in L1-L2 intervertebral space after sedation with midazolam and fentanyl, in a single attempt with a Touhy needle, infused with 0.1% ropivacaine, followed by the passage of an epidural catheter 20G for postoperative analgesia. Anesthetic induction was in rapid sequence with propofol 150mg, lidocaine 80mg, remifentanil Minto´s model target controlled and rocuronium and maintenance of anesthesia with 3 to 4% Sevoflurane. After hysterotomy and exposure of the fetal gluteal region, anesthesia and fetal immobility were guaranteed with intramuscular injection of fentanyl 12μg and pancuronium 80μg. Maternal hemodynamic stability was guaranteed with a systolic target above 100mmHg with crystalloid infusion and norepinephrine bolus. At the end of the procedure, the amniotic fluid was replaced with warmed 0,9% saline solution. The procedure was completed without complications and the patient was sent to the Intensive Care Unit for immediate post-operative care with continuous infusion of ropivacaine into the epidural catheter for analgesia.

Conclusion: Anesthesia for fetal surgery involves anesthesia with an emphasis on the care of the mother-fetus binomial, the preservation of good uteroplacental flow, the adoption of tocolysis measures and the prevention of anesthetic and surgical complications. There is a need for multidisciplinary monitoring, with a team of anesthesia, neurosurgery, pediatrics and obstetrics.

Keywords: Myelomeningocele, Fetal Anesthesia, Intrauterine Surgery, Neural Tube Defect.

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Article Type

Case Report

How to Cite


Matheus Leão Carvalho Costa, MD, Luiz Eduardo Imbelloni, MD, PhD, Antonio Fernando Carneiro, MD, MSc, PhD, Marciano de Souza Nóbrega, MD, MSc. (2025-03-03). "Intrauterine Repair at 25 Weeks For Myelomeningocele. Case Report With Video." *Volume 7*, 1, 9-13